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HomeMembership & Fee Schedule

Membership Types & Fee Schedule

Full membership:  If you plan on keeping a boat at Cowan Lake during the sailing season, you should become a Full Member.

Full members and their immediate families, including unmarried children under age 25 and grandchildren under age 18, have full grounds privileges (including camping, picnic, and facilities use), access to CLSA-owned power or sailing vessels, and priority access to CLSA social and training programs.  Full members and their families also have unlimited accompanied-guest privileges and voting privileges (one vote per Full membership).  Everyone in the member family is eligible to hold any CLSA office.

Full members are required to participate in 2 work parties and 2 race/safety duties per season.  A Capital Improvement Fee is due when first becoming a Full member.  A full member or member family must own a sailboat and is obligated to rent at least one dock or one rack through CLSA. All full members pay a full harbor maintenance fee.

Young Adult Membership:  Young Adult memberships are available to those aged 28 or under.

Young Adult members have all the same privileges and obligations as full members.  Young Adult members must own a sailboat and are obligated to rent at least one dock or rack through CLSA.  The Capital improvement fee is deferred until the time at which the Young Adult Member becomes a full member.

Associate Membership:  Associate membership is available for those who are not primary owners or operators of a boat at CLSA.

Associate members and their immediate families have the same facilities privileges as active members (including camping, picnic, and facilities use) except for the sailboat dry storage area.  Associate members are not required to pay the capital assessment. As an incentive to become active members, the capital assessment associated with active membership will be reduced if an associate member upgrades to active membership. The discount will be based upon the length of time they have been an associate member in good standing. The discount is as follows:  After 1 full year: 25% reduction, after 2 years: 50% reduction, after 3 years: 75% reduction, after 4 years: 100% reduction. 
Associate membership is separate and distinct from Active membership. 

1. Associate members may not hold an elected office in CLSA. Associate members have no voting rights. 
2. Associate members may not keep a boat on CLSA property, nor be the primary operator of a boat that is kept on CLSA property or used in CLSA activities. Associate membership is a family membership. The rights and restrictions within the membership apply to all family members. 
3. Associate members are not eligible for dock or rack rental through CLSA.
4. Associate members may only operate CLSA-owned power vessels when fulfilling their race/safety duties, work parties, or other club duties. 
5. Each associate member has an obligation to participate in two (2) work parties per year and to serve on two (2) race/safety committees per year.

Youth Membership:  Youth Membership is available for youth ages 9 - 18 whose parents are not active or associate members of CLSA. 

This is a limited special membership intended to support youth who want to learn sailing or who are active sailors and their parents are not. Youth members are not entitled to vote. 
Each youth membership includes only one individual.  Youth members only have access to the facilities when participating in a youth program or club event. Parents of youth members do not have facilities privileges unless their child is at the club or participating in a CLSA program. Youth membership does not entitle parents of youth members to launching privileges from CLSA facilities. Families that desire full access are encouraged to apply as active members of CLSA. Youth and parents are required to participate in one (1) youth work party per year. Parents of youth members may only operate CLSA and junior program power vessels as part of aCLSA youth program event. Parents of youth members do not have dock or rack privileges.  Youth members are eligible for rack or lakeside storage slots as assigned through regular club rules. Youth members assigned a CLSA owned vessel are responsible for rack and harbor fees associated with the assigned vessel.

Sustaining Membership:  Full members who do not plan to sail at Cowan Lake during the upcoming season have the option of becoming sustaining members.

Sustaining Members shall be those previously Active Members who have a continuing interest in the affairs of the Association.
A Sustaining Member will receive a copy of all club mailings and an invitation to the annual social meeting and the holiday parties, but shall otherwise have no rights or privileges in the Association. The Board of Governors shall establish dues for this category of membership. A sustaining member who returns to active membership in the club shall retain the years of seniority they had at the time they first converted to sustaining status.

Honorary Membership:   Honorary Members shall be those recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Governors. 

A person elected to this class of membership shall have all rights and privileges in the Association for their lifetime except voting and holding office.
Honorary members shall annually be invited to attend the CLSA winter banquet along with a nonmember guest of their choosing at no cost. 



2025 CLSA Fee

2025 Total (includes 7.25% sales tax)

Full Membership



Associate Membership



Young Adult Membership



Youth Membership



Sustaining membership

$ 55

$ 58.99

Honorary membership

$ 0

$ 0


2025 CLSA Fees

2025 Total (includes 7.25% sales tax)

Capital Assessment (first year for active membership)



Race participation

$ 4.00 per race

$ 4.00 per race (**)

State Tie-up (formerly Dock)

$ 95 (flow-through to ODNR)

$ 95 (**)

State Rack & dolly storage

$ 48.26 (flow-through to ODNR)

$ 48.26 (includes tax as billed by ODNR)

Harbor fund (All full and young adult members pay a harbor fee)


$ 185


$ 198.41

Harbor fund (youth members only) (rack or dolly only)

$ 50

$ 53.63

Harbor fund fees for each additional dock, rack, shore side
 $20  $21.45

Mooring Buoy

$100 year one, $25 renewal

$ 100 year one, $25 renewal (**)

Camper fee (4/1 thru 10/31)

$100 per month after 15 days

$ 100 (**)



(**) denotes non-taxable fee


Capital Assessment:
A newly elected Full Membership unit shall, prior to acceptance, pay a capital assessment as set by the board of governors. This capital assessment is not in lieu of dues but is intended to place new members in reasonable relationship to present members with respect to investment in the capital assets of the Association. It does not relieve new members of the obligation to participate fully in organized work parties. 
Associate members who upgrade to full members may have all or part of their capital fee reduced. Details are listed in the associate member description.
Young adult members who transition to active members may have all or part of their capital fee reduced. Details are listed in the young adult member description.
A former member reapplying for membership who has previously paid a capital assessment is exempt from this assessment, but only if their membership lapsed prior to January 1, 2019.  
After January 1, 2019, anyone whose membership lapses may renew membership within 5 years, and the capital assessment is waived. After 5 years the full capital assessment must be paid again to renew membership. 
After January 1, 2019, any member who qualifies for and elects sustaining membership may renew at any time without repaying the capital assessment.

Membership Application (2021 version)