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HomeRacing Overview

Racing Overview


Sunday afternoon racing at Cowan Lake is open to all sailboats, whether CLSA members or not. All competitors shall follow the Racing Rules of Sailing as well as the 2018 CLSA Sailing Instructions.

Boat classes belonging to the CLSA starting classes may start with them. These classes are as follows and start in the listed order:

  1. Thistle Flag  Thistles  
  2. Highlander Flag  Highlanders
  3. MC Scow Flag  MC Scows
  4. Snipe Flag  Snipes  
  5.   Flying Scots  
  6. Laser FlagLasers/Handicap Fleet  Handicap Flag

All other classes will sail with the Handicap Fleet, which starts with the Lasers. They may be scored by the Portsmouth Yardstick scoring system.

The starting interval is a 3 minute repeating sequence in place of the standard 5 minute signal sequence as described in the RRS 26. The first start in Sunday racing is at 1:45pm.

A $4.00/race fee is charged members and non-members who race to help offset part of the support boat and trophy expenses. Non-members will be scored, but are not eligible for trophies.


In the scoring tables, the letter "C" entered for the race number means the race was cancelled.


The letter "R" entered for the race number means it was a regatta weekend for the fleet and they had no race.


In the scoring tables, the letter "d" appended to a score indicates that score was discarded.


A score shown in the color red indicates it is the score value for a DNS, DNF or DSQ. These boats all receive a score of the number of starters plus 1.


When a boat receives a redress score, shown in green, the positions of the other boats are unchanged.

The letter X appended to a sail number means the skipper was a guest, so the score will be tabulated separately.

Scoring Abbreviations:

C = DNC Did not start; did not come to the starting area
= DNS Did Not start (other than DNC and OCS)
= OCS Did not start; on the course side of the starting line
= DNF Did not finish
= RAF Retired after finishing
= DSQ Disqualification
= DNE Disqualification not excludable under rule 88.3(b)
= RDG Redress given