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CLSA Club History

Cowan Lake Sailing Association (CLSA) was established in 1954 by a group of people with a common interest; promoting the sport of sailing. Located on 700 acre Cowan Lake, CLSA now has about 132 member families and 12 recognized fleets and more than 250 boats owned by the membership. In addition to promoting the sport of sailing, Cowan Lake Sailing Association’s charter includes cooperating with the State of Ohio in maintaining adequate sailing facilities and helping to insure safety among all users of Cowan Lake.

The Marcotte Award Creation (by Gordon Rittmeyer 1/27/18)

It was sometime in the late seventies, when we were faced with many people who enjoyed camping in tents over the weekend. The tents were pitched in back of the clubhouse and on many weekends there was no room for more tents and the heads and showers were very crowded. I knew that we had a lot of land where the shelter house is now and that it could be used for camping, except that it was a long walk to the heads and showers and there was no central gathering place for meals and getting together. Some people, including Ed and Doris Marcotte, started planning how we could address the situation. Together we designed the present setup and Ed, being an engineer, came up with the design and agreed to lead the effort. The club approved the idea and Ed and Doris got on the job of making it happen. They did most of the heavy lifting, including the detailed design, ordering materials, organizing work parties, hiring contractors for items the club members couldn’t handle and keeping track of budgets and finances. They also were up at the club every weekend and more doing the actual work and supervising the work parties.

The whole thing was a great success and the club was deeply indebted to both Doris and Ed. As an officer of the club, I was determined to recognize their effort, so I got the club, without the Marcotte’s knowledge, to approve establishing an award in their honor with them being the first recipients. We presented it at the next winter meeting and I think they were very surprised and grateful.

For a great first hand account of the construction of the shelter house and the remodeling of the clubhouse, written by Ed and Doris Marcotte, click on the link below. We also have listed all past Marcotte Award recipients. 

- History of Shelterhouse Construction and Clubhouse Remodeling 

Award Recipients
Deb Hoeve, Fearless Sailor Award

The “Deb Hoeve, Fearless Sailor Award” established “Celebrating New Club Members that have Embraced the Heart and Soul of CLSA”.

Deb Hoeve joined CLSA as new member with little sailing experience.   She embraced her new sport.  She rarely missed a chance to participate in races.  Though her MC capsized more than some, she always got back up and got going again.  Starting the next race with a bright and friendly smile.  Sadly, Deb passed away too early.   This award was established in her memory, celebrating her fearless and infectious love of her new sport.

Deb Hoeve Recipients


The position of Commodore is to provide a strong leadership role in the overall functioning of the club.  Over the years, members serving as Commodore have been representative of all the sailing fleets. A Commodore is elected each year by the Club membership to lead the affairs of CLSA for the next year.  The position of Commodore is a leadership role intended to guide the Club in it's activities on and off the water. The Commodore is also responsible for facilitating the smooth running of all club operations and alliances with the State. The contributions of each person who serves in this role are vital to the success of the Club.

Past Commodores

Jib Sheets

Cowan Lake Sailing Association's historical news letters (member login required to view)

Jib Sheets