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HomeSignal Flags

Signal Flags


Most signals, comprised of code flags and other flags are flown from the committee boat. Certain signals will be flown from other RC boats in special cases. Usually, the display of a visual signal is accompanied by a sound signal to call attention to it.

Course Signals

The committee boat will display flags to indicate the course to be sailed as well as the number of laps.

A windward-leeward course is signaled by the display of code flag W accompanied by a numeral pennant to indicate the number of laps.
with or or

A triangular course is designated when only the numeral pennants are flown to indicate number of laps.

or or

An Olympic course is signaled by the display of code flag O with a numeral pennant to indicate the number of laps around the triangle portion of the course.

with or or

Information Flags

Personal flotation devices are required to be worn. Accompanied by 1 sound signal. If displayed before start, all starters must wear their PFD. If displayed after, must be donned as soon as practical.


Afloat: Come within hail if at anchor or follow me if under way. Accompanied by 1 sound signal.
Ashore: Notice to competitors is posted


Boat displaying this signal is replacement mark. Accompanied by repetitive sound signals.


Race is abandoned, will be restarted. Accompanied by 3 sound signals.


Races are abandoned, no more racing today. Accompanied by 3 sound signals.


Races are abandoned, further signals ashore. Accompanied by 3 sound signals.


Course changed to next mark. New mark position indicated by displaying a red rectangular flag   or a green triangular flag   indicating the mark was moved left or right respectively. Accompanied by repetitive sound signals.


Course has been shortened. Finish line is here. Flown with the blue finish flag.  Accompanied by 2 sound signals as the first boat approaches.


 Marks the RC boat end of the start or finish line.


 RC boat on station for finish.


Starting Signals


                   Class flags – displayed as warning signal accompanied by 1 sound signal.


P flag. Preparatory signal accompanied by 1 sound signal.


I flag. Displayed in place of preparatory signal indicates the around the ends rule is in effect for this start.


X flag. Individual recall. Displayed after the start with 1 sound signal.


General recall. Displayed after the start with 2 sound signals.


All races not yet started are postponed. Displayed before the start with 2 sound signals.


All races not yet started are postponed. Further signals ashore. Displayed before the start with 2 sound signals.

Signals made ashore are displayed on the RC boat while at her dock or from the flag pole at the club house.

The following table indicates the alpha character that corresponds to each signal flag: